Replica Gucci GG Marmont Mini Shoulder Bag 446744
The Gucci Aria collection features the House’s most iconic codes and symbols. including the GG Marmont. This mini shoulder bag is a member of the Beloved family and is known for its matelasse leather and monogram hardware. The bag has been reimagined with a new geometric take on its signature finish. combining vertical and diagonal motifs. It is made of white matelasse leather and features antique silver-toned hardware. The microfiber lining has a suede-like finish. and the bag has a double G logo. The interior has an open pocket that can fit larger phones. The sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with a 22″ drop or as a top handle with a 12″ drop. It can also be worn cross body. The flap has a spring closure. and the bag can fit a cell phone up to 3.1W x 6.2H x .3D. The Gucci card case wallet can fit inside this product. The bag measures 22 x 13 x 6 cm. and the size of the bag is 8.5 W x 5 H x 2.5 D.
– Size: 8.5 W x 5 H x 2.5 D / 22 x 13 x 6 cm
– White matelasse leather
– Antique silver-toned hardware
– Microfiber lining with a suede-like finish
– Double G
– Internal open pocket for larger phones
– Sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with 22″ drop or can be worn as a top handle with 12″ drop. Can also be worn cross body.
– Flap with spring closure
– This item can fit a cell phone up to 3.1W x 6.2H x .3D
– The Gucci card case wallet will fit inside this product
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