Replica Gucci GG Messenger Bag 658542
The Gucci GG Messenger Bag 658542 is a stylish and functional bag that captures the original design elements of the first messenger bag. The bag is crafted from the House’s GG Supreme canvas. which is an emblematic monogram of Guccio Gucci. The canvas is beige/ebony and is a material with low environmental impact. The bag also features brown leather trim. which adds to its overall aesthetic appeal.
The interior of the bag is spacious and functional. with an open pocket that provides ample storage space for your belongings. The bag’s size is 11 W x 9.4 H x 3.3 D 28 x 24 x 8.5 cm. making it the perfect size for everyday use. The adjustable strap has a 19.3″ drop. which allows you to wear the bag comfortably over your shoulder or across your body.
- -Size: 11 W x 9.4 H x 3.3 D / 28 x 24 x 8.5 cm
- – Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas. a material with low environmental impact
- – Brown leather trim
- – Interior open pocket
- – Adjustable strap with 19.3″ drop
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